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Aug. 2 2018
It’s been a summer where we have found ourselves short on help with a never-ending to-do list
Rodgers Farm
July 26 2018
Who in their right mind would choose a career that requires attention and responsibility 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?
Humor is everywhere
July 24 2018
We currently are the host to two male carpet gnomes who we have the pleasure of calling our children
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July 19 2018
Growing up in the 1980s on my family's dairy farm in central Oregon, I really was unaware of the farm crisis
July 18 2018
How many risk management meetings have you been to in the last two years? I must've attended at least three or four and been invited to over a dozen
July 5 2018
I spent many hours last week on a bus while attending the National Jersey Convention. Driving through the curving roads of Wooster County, Ohio, to check out Amish Country, farmland, and stopping at several...
June 21 2018
Many people are sitting next to us in cubicles or standing by us in the grocery line. Or in our case, it could be our neighbors, the sales rep, or a farmer just like us, who is struggling with physical...
June 19 2018
Winning in the showring is great, but there’s so much more for youth to learn from exhibiting animals.
June 15 2018
Personally, I love the word “sustainability” because it can be a great description of what dairy farming is, but I do think it is a word that is hard to understand if not put into context
June 13 2018
To Whom it May Concern:It does not bother me if you choose an alternative to milk at breakfast. It does not hurt my feelings if you decide not to add cheese to your burger
June 12 2018
As dairy farmers, we all know that June is Dairy Month. It’s a time to celebrate our industry and really work at highlighting our unique stories
June 11 2018
While silage is not being packed this time of year, the feed storage area is still a dangerous place
June 7 2018
Dear Tyler, Hug your mama — she could use it. Early years in speech to rocking a 4.0 grade point average gives your mom a reason to cry. Allow her to be proud. You are our oldest and our guinea...
June 6 2018
Most of the people who know me would describe me as an upbeat person; my family knows better
May 31 2018
School is finished, it’s getting hot and humid outside, and summertime fun time is here in Georgia . . . well, almost
help blog
May 29 2018
How many times have we heard this question in our various roles on the farm? Probably countless, and we all know it’s never for just a minute!
May 24 2018
Our children certainly sleep more than their father or I did when we were their age. But during school breaks, my kids are still up by 7 a.m
May 18 2018
Growing up, my 10 siblings and I did chores on my family’s dairy. When I was five, I started out bottle feeding baby calves with my older sisters, Jessica, Rachel, and Roxann
stop to smell the roses
May 16 2018
First thing tomorrow morning I have to milk the cows, but I also cannot forget about the fresh heifer, I have to make sure the calves are fed, and then I need to hurry back to get the kids on the bus
May 14 2018
June Dairy Month is fast approaching, and it's the perfect time to reach out and connect directly to our consumers